The "Berehynia" team received a request from our military from the 72nd separate mechanized brigade of the Black Zaporozhian motorized infantry battalion to repair two cars that evacuate the wounded from the battlefield in the Donetsk direction. We had to replace the entire track and steering rack in Sprinter and replace the struts, the air suspension with springs at Renault.

These cars were supposed to save the lives of our heroes, and not stand in the workshop.

The starting price of the repair was UAH 70,000. Thanks to your donations and support, together we were able to replace the necessary parts. Now the cars are fully operational and continue to perform their combat tasks.

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1 Response
  1. Доброго вечора. Я військовослужбовець 1 роти розмінування батальйону розмінування 710 БрО. Знаходжусь на посаді водія . Потрібна допомога в придбанні ресор для службового авто Нісан навара 2012рік. Якщо у вас є така можливість прошу зв’язались з нами.

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