About Our Organization

Story About Us

By our example, we form a culture of charity in society to inspire Ukraine to change and be a model for the world.

Nadia's Vovk Charitable Fund "Berehynia" is an association of proactive Ukrainians who make daily efforts to restore Ukraine, specializing in humanitarian aid to de-occupied territories. The founder of the Foundation Nadia Vovk managed to unite active volunteers, experienced managers and specialists in working with foreign charitable organizations around this initiative. A specialized approach to volunteering provides an opportunity to help quickly and efficiently.

Our purpose:

Our purpose is to start restorative processes in Ukraine now, not after the Victory.

We are working to ensure that the residents of the de-occupied territories, who survived the hell of the occupation, are able to take care of themselves again as soon as possible. We are actively engaging external and internal partners for faster aid to Ukraine and the launch of its qualitative changes. By our own example, we form a culture of charity in society and support local charitable organizations.

History about us

For the first time, Nadiya felt what war was like in her hometown back in 2014. Then it was her Luhansk. Despite the fact that Nadiya has been living in Kyiv since 2006, it turned her life upside down. A large-scale war found her and her family in Irpen, which had already become a home. The occupation forced a decision to help those affected by the consequences of the war, and, fortunately, the successful evacuation made it possible to be faithful to this decision.
In the first months of the Foundation's existence, Nadiya's team was actively engaged in the restoration of Kyiv region, namely Buchansky district. Thus, Nadia's Vovk Charitable Foundation "Berehynia" gained valuable experience and identified areas in which it can be effective. When experienced managers and specialists in working with foreign charitable organizations joined the team of active volunteers 

we received the opportunity to solve more difficult tasks and help more and more people.

Since the beginning of the Foundation's work, we have 110 кейсів допомоги, а сума наданої допомоги вже перевищила 57 млн (близько 1 520 000$)You can safely support the active fundraising on our website, because the Foundation has transparent financial reporting. Donations for each fundraising are displayed in real time, and the results of their application are described in detail in our cases.

Our values

We consider trust in team members and partners as the basis for our work. Authenticity, determination, honesty and integrity at every step are necessary at all levels of interaction with the Foundation.

We appreciate all team members and actively support the teamwork format. So everyone has the opportunity to be heard, show professionalism, get support from like-minded people, show attention to each other. We foster unity in the team. Only together we are strong.

Self-identification of Ukrainians Remembering (finding out) who we are, one feels more acutely what we are fighting for. We are working on recreating the true history of Ukraine in society and, above all, in our heads. We communicate in Ukrainian and support Ukrainian culture. Every Ukrainian should forget about inferiority and feel pride. Because we really have a lot to be proud of.

Ukrainian volunteering is impossible without a creative approach, because we often have to perform tasks that have not yet been performed before us. We encourage each other to create, to open up to new things, to reveal creative potential and to develop for new challenges constantly.

We do everything to make a free, successful and strong Ukraine for our children. So that they want to get an education in Ukraine, to keep their money in Ukrainian banks, to be treated in Ukraine, so that they proudly say "I am proud to be Ukrainian". Otherwise, why all this?

For us, responsible volunteering in Ukraine is not only fighting the consequences of the war, but also working on various institutions of the country to facilitate its recovery and accelerate changes. The Ukrainian example of indomitability, proactive position, quick adaptation and changes at all levels should become an example for other countries.

Media about us

The official Internet portal of the Shevchenkiv District State Administration
Irpin Voluntary Association "Unbreakable Hearts"
The main department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Donetsk region
The main department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Donetsk region


The strong also need help. Support fundraising for tools for the Liman Emergency Department.

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If you need help, contact us in any way convenient for you.