Humanitarian aid to the village of Blystavitsa

We visited the village of Blystavitsa, Borodyansky district with humanitarian aid. Our team had the pleasure of talking with Mykysha Svitlana, the village head. She said that the village of Blystavitsa is near the Antonov airfield. This explains why there is so much destruction in the village. We saw them with our own eyes. We can immediately call on you to help the village in its restoration. Svitlana showed us a video with patriotic songs by the girls' choir from Blystavitsa. It was a real gift for us to see the cheerful spirit of the locals after everything they had been through. During the trip, we managed to deliver food for the locals and take aid to the village resident Oleg Martynenko. He needed slate and cement. He has a destroyed house, a large family with 3 small children, one of whom is an orphan. We were very happy to help his family.

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