Humanitarian aid to residents of the Desna village and Nizhyn city, Chernihiv region

We visited the Chernihiv region, Nizhyn city and the village of Desna. We took aid to the Ukrainian Church in Nizhyn, Chernihiv region. There we were met by Pastor of the church Petro (Havrish Petro Tarasovych), who gives all the help to parishioners in a difficult situation. In the village In Desna, Chernihiv region, we visited the village council headed by Yury Valentinovych Ostashevsky. He said that the rocket attack on the village of Desna took place around 5:00 a.m. on May 17. The Russian Air Force fired 4 missiles at the village, 2 of which hit buildings. 87 people became victims of this shelling. Because of this, many people left the village. Lonely old people remained. Many of them live in a home for the elderly, some cannot even move. We brought the necessary products. Yuriy Valentinovych thanked us very much for the help. And we thank you very much for your support and donations. We thank the German-Ukrainian Society Rhein Neckar, who acted as partners of this trip.

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