Illia Yanitskyi



Illia Yanitskyi is the director of Nadia's Vovk Charitable Fund "Berehynia"

Народився у місті Донецьк, дитинство та дорослішання також пройшло в цьому чудовому та рідному для Іллі місті. Школу з поглибленим вивченням іноземних мов закінчив в 2007 році. Також Іллю було направлено за програмою обміну школярів у 2006 році, де він навчався в Бельгії, місто Суаньї в коледжі святого Вінсента. 

Illia graduated from the Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade, named after Tugan-Baranovsky, Faculty of International Economics. In 2011, he came to Kyiv on business for one day, but got a job at the State Food and Grain Corporation of Ukraine and stayed to live in the capital.

Before the full-scale invasion, Illia's life went and developed in its own way: in 2011, he began to deal with domestic, international, and postal logistics. In 2020 he started a family, and soon the couple had a son. 

The neighboring country's aggression forced Illia to adjust his life. So, for the sake of safety, Illia sent his family abroad, and he began to engage in charitable activities. Moreover, the first steps of Illia's volunteering started in 2014, when he helped and took people out of occupied Donetsk. Everyone who knows Illia personally confidently says that charity work is a matter of his heart.

The moment when Nadiya Vovk announced the decision to create the Charitable Fund was the brightest! "I thought then, if Nadiya took up this matter, it would be the best fund!!!". Having considerable professional experience and a creative approach, Illia began to establish international partnership relations and convert them into the receipt of charitable aid.

"I am proud of what I do! This is a business that I enjoy, and at the same time, I set a great example for my young son, whom, unfortunately, I see very rarely. My goal is to create a multidisciplinary, systematically working charity tool that will meet the needs of our communities both during the war and after our soon Victory!"