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Ambulance delivered

We are grateful to the German-Ukrainian Society Rhein-Neckar for purchasing an ambulance for the military, and to our volunteers for the logistics. This assistance is extremely important, as the equipment allows us to provide quick medical assistance at the front line, where every minute counts. We are grateful to the guys for everything they do!

Help for Margarita at the request of the Coordination Centre for Victims and Witnesses

Keep going! The motto of the last few years and months, even when it's hard! We continue to help an incredible girl, Margarita, a child with a disability from Kharkiv, whom we take care of on a regular basis at the request of the Coordination Centre for Victims and Witnesses.

Educational online lecture for children

This Saturday, the Donetsk Region Cultural Hub hosted an online educational lecture for children from the Hetman's Capital National Reserve in Baturyn as part of the RAZUMFEST 2025 children's art competition. The participants learned about the life of Ivan Mazepa, his role in the history of Ukraine

Nadiya Vovk's Berehynia Charitable Foundation is a partner of the worldwide screening of the film "House of the Word"

We are sharing incredible photos from the presentation of the documentary in English with Ukrainian subtitles "House of the Word"! Together with our partners, we continue to move towards the promotion of Ukrainian art and history in the international arena!

Transfer of Sideral medication to the military defending us on the front lines

We thank the socially responsible business "Zaydex Ukraine," who always step in to help when it comes to providing immediate assistance!

Help from the responsible business Honest products

This time we have received shower gels, shampoos and shaving gels from @honestproducts, which we will send to our defenders. Such support is extremely important and necessary! You are the ones who make the world a better place! Thank you for your concern. Businesses, please join our initiative and help with us!

The "ROZUMfest" 2025 competition has started!

Національний заповідник «Гетьманська столиця» спільно з Благодійним фондом Надії Вовк «Берегиня» оголосив про початок конкурсу «РОЗУМфест»! «РОЗУМфест» — подія, що об’єднує освітні можливості, творчість та відображення історії України через мистецтво. Ми запрошуємо до участі дітей від 6 до 18 років,...

We received a thank you from the Main Directorate of Communications of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

We do our work with dedication and inspiration! And then we take pride in the incredible results! Thank you for your trust and recognition!

We delivered portable blood warmers, blood substitutes, and infusion solutions to our incredible steel men

This is another step towards providing our heroes with everything they need to successfully complete their missions and maintain their health. We support them and do everything possible for a quicker victory! Together we are stronger!

We support the sporting future of Ukraine!

Ми раді бути частиною Кубка Білої Пантери 2025 – свята легкої атлетики, яке відбулося в Києві. Цей турнір, Всеукраїнські змагання зі стрибків, організувала неймовірна Ольга Саладуха– президентка ФЛАУ (Федерація легкої атлетики України), бронзова призерка Олімпійських ігор і триразова чемпіонка Європи....
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