Nadiya Vovk, the founder of the Charity fund "Berehynia", and Ilya Yanitskyi, the director of the fund, visited Uzhhorod medical institutions to help with their equipment, because Western Ukraine is a strategically important region for the rehabilitation of the Ukrainian military. The trip was filled with meetings in medical institutions:

  1. An agreement was made with the chief doctor, Yevhen Majeshko, to provide 12 functional beds for the Mukachevo Central District Hospital.
  2. We agreed with the chief physician of Holub Oleg Evgenovich about granting of 12 functional beds for the Uzhhorod City Multidisciplinary Clinical Hospital of the Uzhhorod City Council
  3. An agreement was reached on the provision of 15 functional beds for the communal non-commercial enterprise "Central City Clinical Hospital" of the Uzhhorod City Council. We thank everyone for cooperation and personal time for meetings. Together we are doing a great thing.

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