Two days with the citizens of Izyum during our fourth humanitarian mission to Izyum! During these two days in Izyum, our volunteers distributed 250 packages of humanitarian aid.
What exactly was in the humanitarian packages:
Canned asparagus - 270 pcs
Washing powders - 55 pcs
Canned meat and fish - 500 pcs
Pasta - 250 pcs
Hygiene sets - 45 pcs
Breakfast cereals - 250 pcs
Medicine sets - 130 pcs
Sweets - 1000 pcs
Oil - 250 pcs
Diapers - 10 packs

Let's start with the fact that there are more needs for children, since many families are returning. Diapers and things for newborn babies were in crazy demand. This means that a new generation is born, and this is a real miracle!
These two days left unforgettable impressions.

We have many more stories and events that we want to tell you about.
We guarantee that we will show you how the city of Izyum lives and tell exciting stories. This experience and the emotions we experienced together with adults and children during this mission cannot be forgotten.
Дякуємо всім, хто приєднався та зробив цю місію можливою! Жіночому руху “За майбутнє”, Платформі “be Kind” та Дитячому журналу “Смайлик” , а також Владі Туркменістану за надану гуманітарну допомогу!