Told about the volunteer movement to the media platform about work and life budni by

Many of you are already familiar with the job search platform, and now let us tell you more about our cooperation.

Robota ua is a Ukrainian company that has been developing online recruitment since 2000.

Our first acquaintance with was the reason for searching a new specialist for our charity fund. During our cooperation with the Robota ua team, we felt that they not only meet the requirements of the time, but are also active supporters of positive changes and the approach of victory!

We are pleased to share the news that our cooperation was not limited to posting a vacancy. We also wrote a useful and interesting article for the budni media platform by The topic of the article: "How do volunteers strategically influence Ukraine's recovery?"

We tried to convey everything that the team experienced during humanitarian missions to the de-occupied territories, as well as our ardent belief in help and hope for a better future for our people!

We thank for their valuable cooperation and dedication to our common cause.

Friends, we invite you to the budni Media Platform, where you can find our joint article.

Together - we are an incredible force!