Meeting of Nadiya Vovk with Toily Atayev, Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Ukraine

Yesterday there was a meeting between Nadiya Vovk and Toila Ataev, the Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Ukraine.

The theme of the visit was the gratitude of the team of the Nadia's Vovk Charitable Foundation "Berehynia" and the people of Ukraine, especially Ukrainian children, for the help provided.

We thank the authorities of Turkmenistan for the provided humanitarian aid in the form of medicines, textiles and food products in accordance with the order of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov with the participation of the Charitable Fund for providing assistance to children in need of care, under the patronage of the Chairman of the People's Council of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and with the assistance of the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Ukraine to Turkmenistan Viktor Maik and employees of the Embassy of Ukraine in Turkmenistan.

In cooperation, we effectively distributed the aid provided to the communities of the de-occupied territories and internally displaced persons to help the children of Ukraine. Nadiya Vovk з Тойли Атаєвим було обговорено важливість захисту дітей України та їх потреби у подальшій гуманітарній допомозі. Розмова була пронизана взаємною вдячністю та підтримкою.

At the meeting, Nadiya Vovk and Toyli Atayev discussed the problems of children in Ukraine and what humanitarian assistance they need in the territories where military operations are taking place. The conversation was filled with gratitude and support in solving the problems that Ukraine found itself in during the full-scale invasion. Thank you for helping the future of Ukraine in the face of our children.

Thank you for the gift - for the book "Independence - our happiness". This value is common to our nations. Thank you for the meeting and support.

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