Our second trip to the Havrylivka village
In the summer, we already visited the de-occupied Havrylivka village, saw the destruction, brought food and aid for reconstruction, and personally met the Head of Havrylivka. She helped us with the needs of the locals, so this time we managed to carry out a whole humanitarian mission and bring food kits for large families.

We brought goodies, toys, handed over handbags with individual hygiene products for women and personally talked with the locals. It is so nice to see that life after de-occupation is reviving, that there are small children and people in high spirits in the village.

Thank to everyone who joined this trip! Our team for their direct participation, the Holy Sepulchre London church for hygiene products for women, the Chaicoffski UA company for tea, Women's movement "FOR THE FUTURE" and Nestle Ukraine for breakfast cereals, Lion bars and coffee. We continue to work. Support our initiatives by donating on the website or using the details.