The year 2022 has passed. It was planned by the team members like all the previous ones: to reach new peaks in their careers, finally go to the gym, go on vacation abroad, run several marathons and read at least 10 books... But the war erased everything planned and challenged each of "Berehynia". At that time, in fact, there was no Nadia's Vovk Charitable Fund "Berehynia" yet.

After the evacuation from occupied Irpin, where Nadiya Vovk decided to help the victims of the war, Nadiya and her husband Hennady Vovk began to help the territory defenders and people who happened to be nearby. But the desire to provide aid more effectively, to become the cause of changes and to start restorative processes in Ukraine already now, and not after the Victory, prompted the creation of the Charity Fund.

In the first months of the Foundation's existence, Nadiya's team was actively engaged in the restoration of Kyiv region. Having gained experience in organized aid, the founder of the Foundation Nadia Vovk managed to unite active volunteers, experienced managers and specialists in working with foreign charitable organizations around this initiative. Illia Yanitskyi became the director: "The moment when Nadiya Vovk announced the decision to create the Charitable Fund was the brightest! I thought then, if Nadiya took up this matter, it would be the best Fund!!!". 

For the year 2022, since the foundation of the fund (July 2022), we have provided more than 30 aid cases: starting from individual requests of displaced persons, ending with the help of the Defence Intelligence, the State Emergency Service and humanitarian missions to the de-occupied Lyman and Izyum. The first six months of the Foundation's existence helped us to formulate the mission of Nadia's Vovk Charitable Fund "Berehynia": By our example, we form a culture of charity in society to inspire Ukraine to change and be a model for the world. This is how we started our marathon and continue to run to meet new challenges.

Assistance statistics

The chosen areas of activity of Nadia's Vovk Charitable Fund "Berehynia" were the equipping of medical institutions, assistance to residents of de-occupied territories and support of local charitable organizations. However, during our work, we received many requests from the military, from religious communities, and from emergency and rescue teams. Here are the statistics of aid provided by direction:

Read more about cases of assistance to the military at the hyperlink

Read more about cases of assistance to civilians at the hyperlink

Read more about cases of assistance to emergency at the hyperlink

Read more about cases of assistance to medical institutions at the hyperlink

Our Team

We definitely wouldn't have been able to accomplish all of these projects without our team, our shared values and goal. When experienced managers and specialists in working with foreign charitable organizations joined the team of active volunteers, we had the opportunity to solve more difficult tasks and help more and more people.

Among the areas of work of our volunteers are project activities in the Foundation’s initiatives related to areas of aid (management, attraction of aid, orders of important products, implementation of planned events, transfer of aid), physical assistance in the preparation of humanitarian missions (unloading, receiving, sorting, packing), work with foreign partners (organization of joint projects, communication), implementation of humanitarian missions, administration and development of the Fund. 

At the end of the year, our team has 22 volunteers – and these are only those who devote themselves almost full-time to helping others. Taking into account all the activists, we already have more than 50 volunteers. We will be extremely happy if you join!

In total, in 2022, we helped 2113 people – this is what inspires us to do good deeds in 2023 as well!

Support and cooperation with other benefactors

We are sure: the more people, the more contribution. In cooperation with partners, we implemented more than 200 cases of aid in various directions. We are proud of our joint work with the “Rise up Ukraine” Charitable Fund, with the Women's Movement "FOR Future", the "Revival Source" Charitable Fund, the "Freedom of Ukraine" Charitable Fund, the Olena’s Bezverkhnya "For Life" Charitable Fund!

As one of the key directions of the Foundation's work, we also identified assistance to local charitable organizations, so that warm-hearted activists can help anywhere and under any conditions. Below are the statistics of aid provided to public organizations and charitable foundations:

We also thank the commercial companies that provided assistance for our humanitarian missions: Nova Poshta, Voloshkove Pole, Molokiya, Zaydex Ukraine, Chaicoffski, VISUS Pharm. And we sincerely thank our foreign partners: the German-Ukrainian Society Rhein Neckar, the owner of the rehabilitation center in Warsaw, Grzegorz Schweier, our partners from Denmark, Victoria Donets and Tanya Popova, partners from Germany and the Netherlands. We share aid statistics from friendly countries:


During the six months of existence, we implemented many projects, focusing, first of all, on the humanitarian needs of victims of Russian aggression. It was also possible to help the military and state institutions. In total, in 2022, Nadia's Vovk Charitable Fund "Berehynia" provided assistance in the amount of UAH 5,679,767, part of which has already been used in the cases of 2023. You can learn more about the aid provided for 2022 under the following names:

All cases of Berehynia’s assistance” by hyperlink.

A specialized approach to volunteering has given us the opportunity to quickly, efficiently and help a large number of people throughout Ukraine. With humanitarian missions, we visited the city of Borodyanka and the village of Havrylivka of the Kyiv region, in Nizhyn and Desna of the Chernihiv region, and in Lyman of the Donetsk region and Izyum of the Kharkiv region even twice!

We would like to conclude our report for 2022 with thanks from the organizations and institutions that we managed to help, to remind ourselves and everyone: helping each other is the basis of a healthy and strong society.

In 2023, we plan to work in the following areas:

  • care of IDPs and people who find themselves in a difficult situation due to the war; 
  • humanitarian missions with a focus on the needs of people in the de-occupied territories and with the expansion of geography;
  • launch of a project of psychological support for war victims (already in the formative stage).

We chose our path – By our example, we form a culture of charity in society to inspire Ukraine to change and be a model for the world. In 2023, we plan to follow this course, which will certainly point to the right decisions in moments when it seems that it is simply impossible to do so.

Wish soon Victory.
Glory to Ukraine!

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