Nadiia Vovk's Charitable Foundation "Berehynia" is a partner in the promotion of the film "The House of "Slovo". An Endless Romance"

Remember the value of the Ukrainian word!

Nadiia Vovk had the honor to take part in a press conference held at Ukraine Crisis Media Center to launch the official trailer of the feature film "The House of the Word. An Endless Novel".

"My team and I have been working on this project for over 10 years. And not in vain. This is a long and difficult road to bring the writers of The Executed Renaissance back from oblivion," - a quote from Taras Tomenko, director of The House of the Word. An Endless Novel".

This is a drama about Ukrainian writers of the "Shooted Revival" who were gathered under the roof of one house in Kharkiv and forced to work for the benefit of the system. The film tells how the communist paradise turns into a real hell with repressions, executions, lost dreams and lives. The story is based on real events. Khvylovyi, Kurbas, Yalovyi - we will always remember not only their talented works, but also their tragic fates.

So, we have become partners in the film's promotion and are very happy that you will finally be able to see it a little bit later!

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